How Did 9/11 Changed America

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Jake Levin Saturday, March 1st, 2014 Rough Draft of History Essay The Tragedy that Changed America 9/11 was one of the most devastating events in American History. Four hijacked passenger airplanes killed almost three thousand people. 9/11 changed millions of lives forever. American Citizens didn’t feel safe. This attack was a wake-up call to American security. 9/11 forced the country to acknowledge its shortcomings and fix them, before any more harm could come upon the United States of America. 9/11, as all acts of terror do, promoted the growth of technology, in this case, security in the United States. 9/11 also brought about feelings of hatred to the country. The United States soon became known as one of the most intolerable nations on this planet. Lastly, 9/11 butchered the economy and forced it down a long road to recovery. After 9/11 there was a great increase in security nationwide. One major example of this is the number of agencies created as a result of 9/11. Among these agencies include the creation of the TSA (Transportation Security Administration), the DHS (The Department of Homeland Security), the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), and lastly the massive advancement of the US Coast Guard. Every one of the budgets of these agencies has doubled since 9/11. The creation of the transportation and security administrations primary goal is to improve the safety of all American Citizens traveling by plane. The TSA started implementing, new policies and new technological advancements. One of the first new pieces of technology the TSA introduced were better screeners. A new screener known as AIT or Advance imaging technology has been created to counteract items that may have been hidden from site or... ... middle of paper ... ...vailable for stimulus programs to boost the economy out of the 2008 financial crisis. This caused fewer jobs to be created, which meant less tax revenue and more debt. 9/11 was a horrific incident. There are no words that can possibly describe how deeply it affected the America that my generation has come to know. This atrocity hurt the economy and made us into an intolerant country; however, this same atrocity also opened our nations eyes. It showed us how vulnerable we were, and as a result our countries security, and the concern for safety of its citizens has grown. While it is important to recognize how terrible 9/11 was, its also important to recognize how much it has helped our great nation. 9/11 and events like it are important. They show us how to better our country and though painful, these events necessary into growing our country.

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