Essay On 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

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There are a bunch of conspiracies in this world and there's a few on the tragedy that happened on September 11, 2001. One of the theories is that inside traders knew about the attacks before they happened. As said in an article, “in the days before 9/11 there was a huge increase in the number of put options purchased on their airlines, compared to the normal average daily volume.”(Davis) Before I explain what that means the article also mentioned, “ this huge increase in the volume of put options suggests that the people buying these put options knew in advance that 9/11 was about to happen.” (Davis) What the quotes are saying, is that a few days before 9/11, out of nowhere, there was an huge increase in the airlines, that were hijacked, stock markets. The conspiracy theory is that the government was aware of the attacks the entire time but because they were making profit, this did nothing about it. On September 11, 2001, the Islamic extremist group, al-Qaeda hijacked four american airlines. “Two of the airlines crashed into the world trade center in New York The third plane crashed into the Pentagon outside the world trade center, and the fourth plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania” (9/11 Attacks). They called it a suicide attack against United States, but there are conspiracy theories the the terrorist are still alive. That they stole …show more content…

For starters a few days before the attack on 9/11, the airlines stocks did go up. Which means the supply and demand was greater. America was making more money, which is good. The airlines that stocks markets went up, were the airlines that were hijacked which than lead to them going bankrupt. Gabi Logan was saying on USA today “ Despite this government-funded measure, several prominent American airlines declared bankruptcy not long after the 9/11 attacks.” Due to bankruptcy more than just money was

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