Essay On Traditional Clothes

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Traditional clothes in Turkey: Clothes are a source of information about historical events and ethnological origins. Traditional clothes provide how people interact with their society. Most citizen of Turkey are Muslims. So, their clothes have affected by Muslims values. For example, if you visit their small village, they dressed long-sleeved tops, salver (bloomers), and headscarves. Şalvar is the traditional clothing for women of which is usually worn with upper garments of varying styles and lengths. The traditional şalvar suits are a part of Turkey’s culture dating back to the Ottoman era. Also, clothes can tell whether a woman is engaged, married or a widow from the way in which she does her hair such as in Yöruk or Turkoman villages. …show more content…

The second reason is that Turkey have develop in various fields such as economic, political and others aspect. So, it must be a developed country that keeps pace with the times. Now a days Turkey became one of the famous tourist destination in the world. Therefor females in Turkey now are wearing different costume than before such as: short dresses, maxi style dresses, shorts, skirts, and many different types of trousers. About the man they are warning jeans and various cotton shirts and uniform. Turkey has now become one of the famous country that Issued to them worldwide Brands. • • …show more content…

Special days mean holidays or the days that people celebrate and the days that have a particular meaning on people life. Most days are ordinary days in which we carry on the commonplace duties of life. Each country in the world have a special day. It could be National holidays and Religious holidays. National holidays: All the countries over the world have a special national day. The national day or the Republic day of Turkey is on 29 October ,1923. It is Anniversary of the proclamation of the Turkish Republic. Second example of the national holidays is Atatürk Memorial Day on November 10. On November 10, 1938 Mustafa Kemal, the founder of Turkish Republic died. Since then, every year at November 10 the Turkish people stand silent in commemoration of him. Some people visit Anıtkabir “memorial tomb” in Ankara during this day. Third example of the national holidays is on January first is New Year’s Day. Like every country in the world Turkey celebrate the first day of the new

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