An Essay About Juneteenth

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Slavery may well be one of the major causes of racism, and United States was one of its victims. Today, let’s visit how it all started in this country, how they overcame it, and how they moved on and faced what is now Juneteenth with bravery and joy.
What is Juneteenth?
When Spanish explorers brought African slaves to the New World in the 16th century, slavery in the United States started. On June 19, 1865, Union soldiers arrived to take control of Texas and enforce the emancipation of slaves in the state. In Galveston, Texas, the newly freed slaves held large public celebrations and so laid the base for future Juneteenth activities. The word ‘Juneteenth’ resulted from the words June Nineteenth’ being slurred together in speech.
After 1865, Juneteenth was mainly celebrated in Texas. Now proclaimed as a state holiday in more than half of the United States, there is a campaign to make it a national holiday. Juneteenth celebrations are also held in other countries around the world, including Ghana, Honduras, Japan, Taiwan, and Trinidad and Tobago.
What do people do?
A variety of events ...

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