Essay On Tolerance For Ambiguity

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People learn a lot about themselves as they live their life. Day by day people experience new things that help them learn and become more and more who they are meant to be. Today is one of those days where I learned a lot about myself. Taking these personality tests really help you think about yourself and get a good insight to who you are and who you want to become. I want to talk about my tolerance for ambiguity, risk taking, locus of control, my big five personality, and my MBTI self-assessment. I also want to explain some new things that I have learned about myself and also who I want to become. Figuring out who you want to become can really change a person’s life and turn your life around for the better.
First of all, tolerance for ambiguity means how easily a person can cope with a situation when a great deal is unknown. I have a greater intolerance for ambiguity. I scored 65 out of 100. That means that I do not handle a situation to the best of my ability when I do not know what is going on. A person may have a high tolerance for ambiguity if he or she does not value rules, procedures and regulations. For the most part, humans always want to know what’s going on. We can be very curious creatures that do not want to be left in the dark. The need to understand and clarify and find answers has leaded us to so many different types of advancements, especially in science and technology. In the long term, it’s served us well. In the short term, it can be a liability. It makes us want to latch on to an answer too quickly rather than live in the uncertainty for a bit longer to see if a more suitable or interesting response is still at hand. Unknowingly, we trade possibility for certainty. But being at 65 out of 100 isn’t bad at all...

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...t to always be happy then that’s good enough for me. I have a pretty good idea of who I am now. I want to be someone very successful with a house, family, traveling, good health, and money. Those five things are my goals in life. I already have an amazing family but I plan to have one of my own one day, and I have good health. One day I will have all five items and that is when I will be at my goal in life. That is the person I want to be. My personality can always use a tweak here and there because no one is perfect, but overall I love my personality and who I am. Every day is a chance to better who you are, what you do, and who you are with. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift…that is why it’s called the present. And it’s not the size of a gift that matters, but the size of the heart that gives it. Cherish everyday that’s given to you.

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