Essay On The Influence Of Social Media On Social Behavior

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Mya Sheynicka Yanson ENG 27-NB The Influence of Social Media on the Behavioral Aspects of a Teenager Background and History of Social Media Social media has been a part of our lives since its debut in the 90’s and as people always wanted means of communication towards other individuals, it has become our new way of interacting with them. According to Bank 2014, there is more of a kind of description what is the process of social media by underlying the interaction among people in which they are creating, sharing, exchanging, modifying their ideas in virtual communities or networks. The very first social media that was recognized was Six created in 1997 which allows people to make a profile and add friends within its community. In …show more content…

It has generally affected many aspects in our life including how we perceived the world, our culture and the economy as well. Information is disseminated through a virtual world or “global village” for the sake of communication. It is shared in the entire global network wherein the mass society can gain access. In social media, one can remain anonymous and with this privilege an individual can make another identity to fool people through their lies and new found identity. This identity somehow is used for …show more content…

This study focuses more on the youth that ranges from 15-24 years old based on the statistics. Adolescents spends considerable amount of their time in interacting with people through social media. They constitute the largest population of the active social media users. Wall Posts, Status Updates, Activity Feeds, Thumbs Ups, and Profiles are some of the ways that youth today communicate with one another. These tools are features of social network sites (SNS), such as Facebook and MySpace (Ahn, 2011). The youth uses social media for three common reasons like keeping a line of communication with friends and family. Second is, to access information easily and lastly is to keep them from being

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