Essay On The Effects Of Spanking On Children

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he effects of spanking on children
Growing up as children, from a very early stage in life we are taught by our parents and guardians to follow the simple rules set in the family setting as well as being respectful to everyone. As a child if one misbehaved or failed to live by the code of conduct, they ought to be disciplined in order to get back on track. Discipline simply meant to impart knowledge and skills. Many times however, discipline is mistaken for punishment and control and this poses a great challenge to parents on effective methods of instilling discipline in their children from one stage of life to the next for instance; how parents ought to discipline older children varies from the way they are required to handle toddlers. According to Park (2010) spanking has serious long term effects on a child.I agree with this argument drawn from conclusions in her article “The Long-Term Effects …show more content…

Social effects of spanking, therefore, include; fear, spanking teaches a child to be fearful. Spanking is quite shameful and humiliating, when a child is made to undergo spanking from a very young age they grow to be scared and may never have the opportunity to express their opinions openly. They will relate the pain they suffered through physical punishment with older people and this would make them timid even around their teachers. It may also cause them to not listen to their parent and ultimately they grow up to be resentful. Secondly, it makes a child learn violence, this is cultivated when a child interprets that violence is an acceptable means of resolving the conflict. Surveys have over time proven that kids who are spanked will most likely fight and hit other children and will most likely become violent

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