Essay On Spanking In Children

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There is always that kid heard throughout the big supermarket, screaming and crying through the isles wanting that piece of candy that his mother wouldn’t allow him to have. Some mothers would take their child and leave, to be disciplined at home, but other mothers would give that child that candy just so they would stop throwing a fit and embarrassing the mother. When that child is given what he or she wants after a temper tantrum had just been thrown, they start to believe that is okay and they start to throw a fit every time they want something because they know they will get what they want. Thus causing a child to act that way whenever they don’t get their way. The kids look up to them and occasionally they take advantage of their parents, …show more content…

Grounding for a few days or a few weeks, sending a child in timeout for a few minutes, or even a little spanking are tools parents have to use to teach their children how bad behavior or disobedience is not okay. They are used to inflict learning and discipline, and if tools like that aren’t being used, especially as a little kid, as the child grows up they won’t know right from wrong and will expect the world to revolve around them. As a kid, I was punished for what I did wrong, now it wasn’t very often because I learned from my mistakes and I learned what my parents considered right and wrong. My mom would do most of the punishing because I was at home with her while my dad was at work, and when she would spank me she would turn around and give me hug so I knew that she still loved me but I just needed to be taught. I would also get sent to timeout which was to teach me as well, and with these punishments I have learned how to behave properly, I know right from wrong, I have discipline, and I have respect. Punishment is not meant to hurt the child, but to enforce rules and discipline. Roy Benaroch, author of “Teaching children how to behave: 5 essential principles.”, shared those five essential principles, but also stated that there is no “magic” way go make a child to behave, and every child is different. These five essential principles

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