Essay On Stuttering

710 Words2 Pages

The Psychology of Stuttering

Stuttering is the Involuntary repetition of words or syllables in a person's speech. Primarily known as a speech disorder, stuttering can also be classified as a mental disorder. Roughly 3 million Americans stutter and about 68 million people worldwide stutter also; only 1% of the world's population. With ongoing research being done about the roots of stutter, millions have to cope with this embarrassing disorder. ( According to the Stuttering Foundation, stuttering is "a communication disorder in which the flow of speech is broken by repetitions, prolongations, or abnormal stoppages of sound and syllables (FAQ. "Stuttering Foundation") I DO NOT SEE THIS SOURCE LISTED WITH THE URL SO I can check to make sure you are not plagiarizing!!

Stuttering is more common among males than females. Boys are four times more likely to stutter than girls when it comes children in elementary school. Preschoolers may show little or no awareness of their stuttering, usually during the early stages of the problem. Throughout the schooling years and through adulthood, people who stutter become increasingly aware of their difficulties and how other react when they don't speak fluently. (

Signs and symptoms of stuttering may vary. Some people who stutter seem tense or "out of breath" when talking. Other people's speech may completely stop, or be blocked. Blocked is when the mouth is positioned to make a sound, but with little or no sound coming out. Interjections such as "like" or "um" can occur. ( People often stutter, especially children, when they are excited, anxious, overwhelmed, or tired. Stuttering often gets worse when a child tries to explain something complex. ( S...

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...n talking and learn to notice when you stutter. People usually speak very slowly when starting this speech therapy, but usually over time they'll work up to a more natural pattern. Electronic devices are used with things called delayed auditory feedback, a method that requires patients to slow their speech or the speech will sound distorted through a machine. Other methods mimics speech so that it sounds as if the person were talking in unison with someone else. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a psychological counseling that can help those with the speech disorder learn to identify and change ways of thinking that may make stuttering worse. Parental involvement is a key support source of helping a child cope with stuttering. Parents could praise their child for speaking fluently. (

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