Essay On Articulation Disorder

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There comes a time in our life when we know what we want to say, but it does not come out the way we thought it would. Such as being worried about reading out loud in class, going up to an employee in a fast food restaurant to order a simple meal, or making a presentation in class can be terrifying for most individuals with an articulation disorder. An articulation disorder consist of having difficulties producing sounds, substituting sounds, leaving out letters in a word, or adding or changing letters in a word. In most cases when individuals have trouble articulating words he/she might have problems with the main articulators which include: the jaw, lips, teeth, tongue, velum, alveolar ridge, and hard/soft palate. These articulators play …show more content…

An individual that suffers from an articulation disorder can delete sounds, add sounds, have distorted sounds and substitute sounds. Articulation is considered to be the process of the movement of muscles in your mouth. The most important articulators include: jaw, lips, teeth, tongue, velum, alveolar ridge, and hard/soft palate. These articulators are used when producing a sound or when having a conversation. An articulation disorder can be caused by illness, developmental disorders such as autism, neurological disorders, hearing loss, and genetic syndromes such as Down …show more content…

The fact that the female employee did not even try to assist me or provide the appropriate customer services angered me. I felt judged and neglected when she rolled her eyes and made me feel less as a person. The key to preventing articulation disorders is early intervention. According to ASHA “Articulation treatment may involve demonstrating how to produce the sound correctly, learning to recognize which sounds are correct and incorrect, and practicing sounds in different words.” An individual with a speech disorder can be embarrassed or shameful to go to therapy, but it is crucial to have early diagnoses to prevent the disorder to worsen. ASHA gives us a great explanation of treatments that are available for people with speech sound

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