Augmentative Communication Essay

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The Need for Augmentative and Alternative Communication By Teresa Williams According to ASHA, more than 2 million people in the United States have a severe communication disorder that impairs their ability to talk. This problem may be short or long term, and may be congenital (present at birth), acquired (occurring later in late), or degenerative (worsening throughout life). Some disorders could be from lack of oxygen at during the birth process, premature birth, genetic disorders, Cerebral Palsy while others may be caused by aTraumatic Brain Injury, or degenerative diseases. Assistive technology devices that either augment or provide an alternative means of communication, can positively impact the lives of nonspeaking individuals who have severe communication disorders. So, why not use it? Assistive Technology Device is defined as “any piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.” (IDEA, 1997) Alternative Augmentative Communication (AAC) is assistive technology in which it attempts to compensate (either temporarily or permanently) for the impairment & disability patterns of individuals with sever expressive communication disorders (person w/sever speech-language and writing impairments) (ASHA, 1989). When we look towards an AAC device we should focus on a device that is multi-modal and uses the individual’s full communication capabilities, this may include residual speech or vocalizations, gestures or signs and aided communication. While Augmentative refers to supporting existing communication, Alternative replaces unintelligible or nonexistent speech or wr... ... middle of paper ... ...iddle and end with 70% accuracy in 3 / 4 trials. 3. By 5/2/15, Steve will increase writing skills to Basic level of proficiency in the area(s) of Ideas and Content, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency and Conventions, as measured by writing samples in 3 / 4 trials. importance). "When we talk about communication, we are talking about peoples' lives, no less than that - so there really are no degrees of freedom. If we get it wrong, if we miss the boat - people drown" (Mirenda, 2008). I feel that it is our duty to provide not only meaningful education but a means in which the students are given the tools necessary to function and communicate to the best of their abilities and AAC can do this. The Assistive Technology tools can assist the students to improve their communication and have a bright future in which they are a productive, independent adults.

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