Student Response Paper

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Student response systems, or clickers, are a wireless handheld device used by students to provide responses to a variety of different assessments as a part of classroom instruction (Caldwell, 2007). Researchers have not yet agreed on a standard term for student response systems. For the sake of this paper, student response systems will be the all encompassing term for this technology. There are different types and brands of student response systems, but the concept is the same for all, which is to provide feedback to the instructor in an interactive way during instruction. The use of clickers is not necessarily face to face. When used correctly, student response systems are a tool of engagement (Berry, 2009). Students are engaged in active …show more content…

The first way is through formative assessment. Formative assessments can be completed during lecture/presentation through the use of question and answer. The question format can be multiple choice, true or false, yes or no, or short answer number. The instructor asks the class if he or she may move on to the next topic and the students send their response to the computer software. If the majority or all of the class answers yes to that question, the instructor knows he or she can move on. This could also be done at the end of a lesson to gauge where, in terms of learning, the class is at. Answers can be collected anonymously, or students can create a username for responses to be collected under their username. Another use of clickers for formative assessment is for the instructor to place questions throughout the lecture/presentation. The questions are a check for understanding for the instructor. Based on the results of the question and answer, the instructor can instantly see if he/she needs to address certain concepts again. Student response systems not only gauge where the class is at, but also save time for the instructor (Demski, 2010). Formative assessment is essential to gauge student learning, but summative assessment is to summarize what was learned …show more content…

Through this study, educators recognized the instructional potential of student response systems in the classroom and recommended ways to implement the technology. This type of technology is changing rapidly with the emergence of the cellular telephones, iPods, and tablet computers. With more students carrying personal electronic devices, student response system technology will become more affordable for public schools. Educators will benefit from understanding the potential instructional value of this technology and the appropriate means to implement it in their classrooms to achieve their desired learning

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