Essay On Stress And Stress

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Stress and Stress Management Stress is tension or pressure developed from demanding situations. It can transpire from both negative and positive circumstances. Positive circumstances can include getting married, moving houses, and having a baby. Stress is also caused from negative circumstances such as unemployment, poverty and relationship problems. When individuals feel stressed their bodies respond by releasing chemicals and hormones into the blood. These chemicals and hormones can trigger various damages to the body. This includes damages to the body’s physical, mental, and emotional state. To avoid further damage to the body, stress needs to be managed in a healthy manner. If stress is not dealt with for a prolonged period of time, its presence is debilitating. Physically …show more content…

This is known as the fight or flight response (Stoppler, 2015). Increased heart rate, muscles tightening, increased blood pressure, quicker breath, and sharper senses are all physical changes that can occur from this response. If stress is not managed, this response can result in damages to the body. Common complaints of stress can include stomach and muscle pains, and migraines. Stress can also affect many other aspects of physical health such as hair, teeth, skin, disease, and obesity. Stress can speed up the average hair loss of 100 hairs a day to the point where up to three-quarters of your hair can fall out (Stewart, 2015). Individuals who respond more to stress have a decreased ability to fight off disease and infection, so the chances of getting sick and developing cardiovascular disease are higher (Collingwood, 2013). Stress can eventually lead to swelling in the circulatory system, mainly in the coronary arteries, which links stress to a heart attack (Stoppler, 2015). The powerful neurochemicals and hormones released by stress, over time, cause nothing but harm to our physical

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