Essay On Standardized Testing

550 Words2 Pages

Tests can not accurately measure a students learning. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said that much of the criticism on standardized testing is warranted. “State assessments in math and English fail to capture the full spectrum of what a student knows and can do,” he said. These tests do not measure a student’s full ability and they take away from instruction time.
According to the article “Problems with Standardized Testing” by Jasmine Evans, standardized tests do not measure a student’s complete knowledge of a subject. She says in her article that tests do not measure a student’s full knowledge of a subject because by virtue of being multiple choice, they do not allow students to express themselves. Therefore, without students being able to express themselves on test, they cannot show their full knowledge of the subject. Many critics advocate for these assessments to be open ended. Another way that tests do not measure a student’s full knowledge is that if a student gets nervous and has test anxiety they will do worse because they will forget many important topics on the test....

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