Persuasive Essay: The Causes And Cons Of Standardized Testing

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His hands are shaking, his palms are sweaty, he is afraid his heart is about to beat out of his chest. The rectangular thing is placed in front of him. A bead of sweat drips from his forehead. he wipes it away. Soon after that he faints. This is all because of a simple rectangular piece of paper that has the words standardized test written on it in big, bold, black letters. These are just some of the signs of test anxiety, all so teachers, schools, and students can be compared to one another. Standardized testing is wrong and uneducational. Some would ask why this is erroneous, when the schools get money if the students do well on these tests. This is amiss because of three simple reasons. One, standardized testing does not work. Two, standardized tests only measure a small portion of why makes education meaningful. Finally three, standardized testing causes severe stress in younger students. …show more content…

I guarantee you that.” This is a woman who is doing very well for herself and is pretty high up there. She even says that standardized tests don’t really do anything for you, or your future.With that being stated we go back to how standardized testing does not work. On May 26, 2011, A National Research Council report found no evidence test-based incentive programs are working: "Despite using them for several decades, policymakers and educators do not yet know how to use test-based incentives to consistently generate positive effects on achievement and to improve education." What this means is that educators and policymakers are just shooting in the dark. They don’t have for sure test or anything of the sort that can consistently gives the results that they want. So what would make them give a test that is fifty fifty on whether or not students have learned “what is

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