The Effects Of Discipline On Children

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In today’s era, there are so many things that can interfere with how a parent is able to discipline their child. Discipline is a very thin line that can be surpassed without even knowing the harm that was done. There are many different ways a child can be disciplined such as by talking to them, taking away their favorite things, not allowing them free time, time outs, and sometimes even spanking. As children, everyone has experienced some type of discipline depending on the way parents decided to raise their children. Depending on what culture children were raised in can take part on the way parents decided to discipline their children. Parents have different beliefs on how their child should be disciplined. As parents, many are faced with …show more content…

There are parents who are not patient enough to try and discipline their children in other ways, and when their children act up the only way that the parent knows how to react is by physically abusing them. This is definitely the wrong choice in disciplining their children. This can be the cause of emotional or behavioral problems, according to the studies from developmental psychologist Elizabeth Gershoff. If a parent decides to take this action of discipline to their children studies have shown that children experience increased anxiety, fear, it hinders the development of compassion for others, aggression towards others, unintended harm to themselves, and decreases self-esteem. Not only is physical abuse hurtful to children, but they can suffer emotionally and they grow up thinking that it is acceptable to be a physical towards others. These types of emotions are something that teenagers should not experience. This type of discipline can also come with severe consequences for the parents. If a teacher or someone suspects that a child is being physically abused, they have the right to contact the police department. The police department then can contact CPS (child protective services) who is able to conduct and start an investigation. If the parent is found guilty, they can be placed under arrest and CPS is able to take their children away and the child will be placed into foster care. This can turn out to be a very serious situation. Some studies that Professor George Bear researched show that foster care cannot be as safe as the government believes it can be. Some children from foster care do not like the home they are placed in and they run away from that home. When they run away they can do bad things such as drugs, drink, or even face the danger of getting kidnapped. Parents do not think of the harm that they

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