Essay On Social Determinant Of Mental Health

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Within the study of mental health, socioeconomic status has been used as a major determinant of mental health. Module 3a, discusses the social determinates of mental health. From the studies conducted, household income levels had an effect on the perceived levels of mental health. The lowest levels of incomes had the highest percentage of mental illness. With mental health, stressors are considered to be the factors that contribute to a person’s negative mental health. These stimuli typically provided feelings of distress, feelings of a person about their affective state, or can result in deviance, the perception of others and are a violation of social norms. I understand that monetary levels can be a stressor for those in lower income settings. With monetary struggles, a person faces higher levels of stress as they struggle to provide basic needs for themselves and their family. Ultimately this results in distress and deviance and they cannot fit within typical social norms of …show more content…

This is a good example of how low monetary income can lead to mental illness. As my dad suffers from bipolar disorder, a chronic mental illness, one could infer the lower levels of family income could be a contributing factor of negative mental health. However, from personal experience, I found the opposite. My family’s hardships helped me learn a lot. I did not want to ever struggle with money. As a result I found a good paying part-time job and worked as many hours as possible in high school. Having worked so many hours, I saved a lot of money and was financially successful as a high school student. Even though I was in a good monetary position, I was miserable and lived in a state of negative mental health. In this case, the desire to have money was my sole focus, which negatively impacted other aspects of my

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