Essay On Second Continental Congress

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The Second Continental Congress was an organization that started having meetings to make decisions on where to attack the British and how to defend themselves. This foundation was created because it was during the war in Lexington and Concord, so they needed someone to help make their decisions and help decide attack methods. The Congress representatives originally met during the Revolutionary War; their first meeting being on May 10, 1775. The representatives (a person or people sent to represent something) came from 12 of the original 13 colonies.
There were many representatives sent out to the Second Continental Congress meetings. John Hancock came from Massachusetts. Thomas Jefferson came from Virginia, along with George Washington as …show more content…

They also helped create many things, including The Continental Army; George Washington being Commander-in-charge. The Olive Branch Petition was formed by the congress and sent to King George III to try and avoid a war between 13 colonies, but just made the king declare and prepare for a war. The congress also formed the Committee of Correspondence, active from 1775 to 1776. The Committee played a big part in lure allies and get French assistance. There was also the Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, which was an official paper provided by The Second Congress on July 6,1775, to describe why the thirteen colonies had taken up arms in what had become the American Revolutionary War. The Congress also introduced The Lee Resolution, a solution of freedom that was a deed by The Second Continental Congress, proclaiming, the United Colonies to be free of the British Territory. The Declaration of Independence was also a big part in The Second Congress; this is a establishing contract of the American political historical convention that build the American republic saying that all men are made equivalent and possess the same built-in original entitlement.
These are all important things that came with The Second Continental Congress. All these things are important because they all somehow led up to where we are today and our freedom along with that. All of their

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