Albany Plan Of Union Essay

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Context: The British colonies were being attacked and threaten by the French and Natives due to this the British government became concern of the colonies. As a result, Britain told the colonies to come up with a strategy or plan in order to deal with the Indians. The Albany Congress was held in Albany, New York in 1754 . In the Albany Congress, a plan was proposed that would help the colonies.
Synopsis: The purpose of the Albany Plan of Union was to create a centralized government for the colonies. The Plan also promoted for the colonies to unite as one due to the French and Indian war. The new government would be controlled by a President-General which was chosen and supported by the king. Also, the representatives of the colonies would have to choose a Grand Council in order to assist the appointed President-General. In the Grand council, each colony would have a number of representatives based on the population of the colony. The government would have the power to commerce activities, national defense, also a defense and negotiate relations with the Natives. Also, the Grand Council member would change every three years and that they will meet once a year or occasionally if needed. The Albany plan was approved on July 10, 1754, by the Albany Congress. Copies of the Albany plan sent to the colonies and the British …show more content…

This led to the Albany Congress were representatives from the colonies and from the Six Iroquois Nation met. In the Albany Congress, the Albany Plan was promoted by Benjamin Franklin, the delegate from Pennsylvania, in order for the colonies to unite during the French and Indian war. Historical Significance: The Albany Plan was the first attempt in order to unify all of the colonies under one government. It was rejected by the British government due to the fact that the colonies would become powerful under on

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