Essay On Probation

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Considering that my dad and I had an off and on relationship with me during my childhood, moving with him was awkward. However, I knew that I was in a better environment. I still had resentment from my past against him. My father and I talked, and I forgave him for 17 years of absence and inconsistency. The schools in Atlanta were a little rough, but they provided opportunities and resources for my academic growth. After moving in with my father, my grades increased. I went from A’s, B’s and a few C’s to straight A’s and B’s. Because I was on probation, I could only go from home to school, so I spent most of my time studying and planning for college. After my first semester, I completed every requirement to be released from intensive probation, and my status was dropped to standard probation, which meant that my time restrictions were removed. I did not let probation determine my future, and I was not about to give up on my life. …show more content…

I was a ballet student, and I ran track at Maynard J. High School. Graduation was around the corner, and I had applied for many colleges. I was accepted in Edward Waters College, a historically black college and university (HBCU) in Florida, but due to the conditions of my probation, I could not leave the state. Despite these challenges, I persevered. I applied for schools like the University of West Georgia, but I was not accepted due to a low math SAT score. I then found a school called Gordon State College. I applied, and I was later

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