Essay On Pediatric Dentistry

604 Words2 Pages

Katie Hughes
Pediatric Dentistry
Dental Assisting

Pediatric dentistry deals with multiple thing, but it mainly deals with the overall oral hygiene of children. The whole reason behind pediatric dentistry is so children learn to have good oral hygiene at a young age, and that they learn how to take care of their teeth. Infants start getting their baby teeth around 18 months of age. However, their first tooth starts showing around 6 months the teeth that will appear first are the central incisors. Between the ages of 6 and 12 a child will start loosing their deciduous teeth and growing their adult teeth. By the time a child is of the age is 13 they will have all of their adult teeth.
Children are often scared of the dentist, it can be very hard to overcome their fear. It is best if as a parent if you briefly explain to your child what is going to happen , that they have no reason to be scared. Do not promise a reward to your child for going to the dentist. Explain to you...

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