Essay On Peak Performer

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One believes that being goal oriented has an influence on becoming a peek performer. What is my definition of a peak performer? An individual who visualizes their dream, set long-term goals and do everything within that time to achieve every goal that he or she set. Bethel further explains on what it means to be a "peak performer" . Peak performers come from all lifestyles, ages, cultures and genders. Anyone could become a peak performer by setting goals and developing appropriate attitudes and behaviors to achieve the results they want. Peak performers are those who become masters at creating excellence by focusing on results. They know how to change their negative thoughts into positive and realistic affirmations. They focus their long-term goals and how to break down goals into daily action steps. (Bethel University, 2013.) So becoming a peak performer has nothing to do with who you are, but has a lot to do with who you want to be, your determination and drive all plays a huge part.

Bethel University (2013) . College Orientation …show more content…

When the word "self-assessment comes to mind one automatically thinks about what they can do to be a better person overall. People tend to analyze every part of their life just so that they can become the best at whatever they do, whether if it is from a personal or professional perspective. I apply self-assessment to my daily life duties. For example, my profession is an ongoing learning experience, each day I learn something new. In the beginning, there was a time frame when I challenged myself to have a better performance than I had the day before, I gave myself a self-assessment. Some tools that I utilized during this process were things such as, learning policy and procedure, training with my colleagues and preparing for a different situation everyday. I believe that me utilizing a method such as a self-assessment helped me improved in my personal and professional

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