Henry Ford: Pioneer of Assembly Line Production

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On the first of December 1913, Henry Ford put in place the original moving assembly line for the mass production of an active car. His innovation reduced the length in time it took to produce his automobiles from a breath taking twelve hours to two hours and thirty minutes. Ford’s introduced his “model T” in 1908, it was easy, strong and somewhat inexpensive–but not inexpensive enough for Ford who say past the price and who was also driven to build “motor cars for the great multitude.” "When I'm through, everybody will be able to afford one, and about everybody will have one." His main aim was to lower the prices of all of his cars. Ford decided he would just have to find a way to build them more efficiently and at a lesser cost for him and for everybody else. Henry ford had been trying to increase the productivity of his business/factories for a very long time. The employees who built his “Model N” cars which came before the “model T” organised the parts on the …show more content…

He studied other business and he was inspired by the constant flow of productivity by breweries and flour mills, this in our opinion was the reason in which henry ford was so successful, Other ideas he gained from other companies was the disassemble of animal carcasses in Chicago’s meat-packing plants simply showed his creativity. Ford put in place moving lines for bits and pieces on the manufacturing process: For example all of Henry ford’s workers built the majority of the motors and transmissions on rope and pulley powered styled conveyor belts. In December 1913, he created the “pièce de résistance” the moving-chassis assembly line. This was beginning of the shop floor for motor vehicles and the start of where the rest of the world’s creations and modifications began in this line of work. The majority of his workers even manufactured the ropes so that they would suit their needs at ford`s

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