Essay On Diversity Consciousness

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Diversity Consciousness

1. Introduction

The target of this paper is to focus on the question regarding "Diversity Consciousness. In reference to diversity in Aramco, the Arabian-American Company, as Aramco hires Americans, Westerns, Eastern people and Arabs, the purpose of this assignment is to highlight the significance of diversity consciousness after giving a definition to what diversity is. In the next step it will deal with three ways to develop a diverse workforce and giving illustrating examples to each. Then, this paper will discuss three barriers to success and how to overcome them with practical life-like examples. In addition to this, the topic of overcoming communication barriers will be dealt with after all giving different opinions and instances. Finally, a conclusion will summarize the whole thing, give an overall conception and emphasize the most essential points. It will be shown the importance of diversity for organizations. So, these organizations that recognize that they need to fully develop all members of their workforce to remain competitive are responding by implementing a variety of different approaches to managing diversity (Jamieson & O'Mara, 1991).

2. Definition of Diversity

This paper is going to present a clear understanding of what diversity is and what it is not. Linguistically, diversity is defined as "the fact or quality of being diverse; difference; a point or respect in which things differ; variety or multiformity". For example, variety or multiformity: "Charles Darwin saw in the diversity of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation, competition and selection" (Thorndike & Benhart 615/1982). Another definition to diversity: “Diversit...

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...ness and Society Review, (92), 48-54.
Thomas, R. R. (1990). From affirmative action to affirming diversity. Harvard Business Review, 68, (2), 107-117.
Strategic Planning Task Force on Diversity. (1991). Pathway to diversity: Strategic plan for the Cooperative Extension System's emphasis on diversity. Washington, D.C.: Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, USDA.
University of California, San Francisco: Chapter 12: Managing Diversity in the Workplace
American Institute for Managing Diversity: Diversity in the Workspace: Creating an Engaging Generational Culture of Success
Harvard Business School: Seven Ways to Better Communicate in Today's Diverse Workplace - Seven Tips for Communicating In Today's Diverse Workplace
U.S. News: 10 Ways to Communicate Better at Work
Jontus Media: 5 Ways to Communicate Better At Work
(Jamieson & O'Mara, 1991).

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