Essay On Computer Without Computer

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ARE WE TOO DEPENDENT ON COMPUTERS TO FUNCTION WITHOUT THEM? I go to school in New York, USA. My sister goes to school in Auckland, New Zealand. I have only seen her face once, only given her a hug once, but she has met my roommate and all my best friends, and I have met her roommates, her boyfriend and her cat. Without computers and the power of social media, I wouldn’t have met her at all. I am forever thankful for modern computers for allowing us to meet and foster a connection. I now have a wonderful person in my life, on the other side of the world. I am not alone in this. Computers have become a force in this universe, and every person that has access to a computer has had their lives improved by them in some way. We are learning, connecting …show more content…

From the wheel, to modern medicine, to online universities, there’s always someone pushing a philanthropy agenda, always some bright eyed innovator peddling their revolutionary idea on how to change the world and make lives better. Computers are no exception, and it is clear that the invention of the personal computer, and later, the smartphone, has paved the way for great things to come. Cell phones have more processing power than the computers we used to put a man on the moon, and whether one uses a cell phone to call mom on the weekends, learn a new language, or play Candy Crush on the bus ride to work, that alone can make one stop and think about life without computers. This is what many critics of computers and smartphones are missing. We have always had the ability to do the things we do on our devices. We have had books, games and ways of communication for centuries. The personal computer and the cell phone have merely consolidated these, putting libraries in a person’s pocket and all but erasing the need for stamps. Computer dependence is no more toxic than newspaper dependence, or vacation dependence. There is nothing wrong with a little convenience and a little on the go entertainment. Computers are not malicious. Like any other new innovation, they are not good or bad. It is what we do with them that makes the difference in our …show more content…

We’ve established that our technological dependence is neither chronic nor deadly, and that in order to reach the full potential of technology, we must improve ourselves as a society. If one day, everyone woke up and all the computer technology had disappeared overnight, humanity would survive. Our worlds would just be dimmer. Global communication would not be as easy, our bags would become heavier with all the extra things we would need to make it through our days, and we would need to go back to having quarters for the pay phones. However, we would adapt. Citing computers as the root of evil, and our dependence on computers as “what’s wrong with society today” is a gross oversimplification. Our survival doesn’t depend on computers, any more than it depends on airplanes and cake. Computers are not our detriment, they are our benefit, but we do not survive on computer power

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