Essay On College Tuition Cost

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Collage expense

Families for years who have problems of their own, now have to face the difficulties of coming up with money that they barely have in order for there child to receive an education. The average cost of college tuition starts at about 18,000 a year. What happens to the student who wants to receive an education but cannot afford it. Colleges are too expensive and cost students to be in too much debt. Educational institutions spend too much time sponsoring needless trips,turning dorm rooms into five sweet hotels, other activities that have little impact on education. Less money needs to be spent on these things so that the tuition price wouldn't keep increasing. College should be less expensive because every student can't afford it, it causes students to be in serious debt problems,and it will motivate most students to attend school.
Students who can't afford the cost of college, dreams are put on hold. They spend all their time as a young child with big dreams to become a doctor, teacher, lawyer, anything. Every child wasn't born into a wealthy family that has money to pay for education. Colleges are too expensive and need to start looking at it on the student budget. Students who are graduating from high-school barely come out with $3,000. Every student cannot pay for college and this just isn't …show more content…

In 2010 student debt exceeded credit-card debt for the first time. In 2011 it surpassed auto loans. In March, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced that student debt had passed $1 trillion. It grew by $300 billion from the third quarter of 2008. If students cannot afford to pay for college they are forced to take out student loans. A loan is money borrowed. Depending on how much money they take out they’ll have to pay back. You can pay this money until you're old. You spend all of this money to earn an education and then have to suffer to be in

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