Essay On Chris Roberts

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News that a commercial airliner operated by United Airlines was allegedly hacked and redirected in midair by One World Labs Founder Chris Roberts has sparked countless questions regarding whether such a task is possible and if so, what it may mean in terms of future transportation safety. With security always being a priority in the airline industry, this claim from Chris Roberts has raised numerous concerns from experts as well as the general public Everyone eager to know the extent to which this story is true. Historically a plane’s control systems have been very manual, based on hydraulics and mechanical circuits with some form of automation of the control systems. However in the last couple of decades, the control systems of commercial …show more content…

In a warrant application released, the FBI has said that Roberts admits to hacking the in-flight entertainment system on an airplane and issuing a command that caused the plane to briefly veer sideways. “He stated that he thereby caused one of the airplane engines to climb resulting in a lateral or sideways movement of the plane during one of these flights,” FBI Special Agent Mark Hurley wrote. “He also stated that he used Vortex software after comprising/ exploiting or hacking the airplane’s networks. He used the software to monitor traffic from the cockpit system.” Roberts, a respected security researcher has been issuing warnings about the vulnerabilities in the networks on certain aircraft models for years. His recent troubles with the FBI began several weeks back, when he was pulled off a United flight after posting a tweet that jokingly suggested he could tamper with the plane’s oxygen masks. If Roberts is telling the truth about commandeering a plane via the IFE, he might end up behind bars. But his actions also underscore the fact that airlines ignore security …show more content…

Whether Roberts’ self proclaimed white hat hacking is truly aimed at improving security or not. Airlines must not only face but work towards a solution to abolish prominent daily security threats: Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation detained Roberts after he got off a flight in Syracuse, New York and seized his Apple MacBook Pro, iPad, and various external hard drives and USB drives. Boeing and Airbus along with a multitude of airlines have attempted to comfort their customers by insisting that their planes are designed with backup systems and pilots have the final say over flight controls. Airbus issued a statement saying “Airbus has robust systems and procedures in place for our aircraft and their operations to ensure security against potential cyber attacks.” Both Airbus and Boeing declined to discuss specifics about security measures. The FBI said it warned Roberts earlier this year that hacking into airplane electronics was illegal, according to the April 17

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