History Of The FBI

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“Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity” the motto lived by the men and women serving in the Federal Bureau of Investigation stay true to this motto every day in their pursuit to create and ensure the people of the United States obtain their basic liberties and freedoms. The Federal Bureau of Investigation had its upstart as an unnamed agency as an investigative branch under the Department of Justice and quickly has rised to be a dominant presence in the world of crime. The necessity of a strong and powerful agency to impede organized crime grew during the period known as the Progressive Era. This era was from approximately from 1900-1918 and was a time in which the people of the US consolidated their efforts to reform and create an overall safer society under a stronger federal government. This era showed that in order to secure justice the people needed a stronger government presence in a time of such drastic change. The FBI being an answer for the people’s cry of justice fit perfectly into the ideals of a strong supporter of the progressive movement, Theodore Roosevelt. The start of the official Bureau of Investigation began in 1908 and was very highly controversial in the fact it had jurisdiction in just about everywhere in the United States which was a change from the territorial way it had been done before. The FBI had began its ascent to becoming a powerful and successful agency and had its first huge jump of responsibility after World War 1 due to the peoples major concern of espionage during the war. The FBI’s role was developing and was just about to undergo a huge change from the start of the most influential directors of the bureau, J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover served for 48 years and took the FBI from being a small scale ag...

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...d caused the FBI to go into “wartime mode” FBI Headquarters and the now 54 field offices were now placed on 24 hour schedules and soon after started making arrests on people who threatened national security. From the actual outbreak of war the responsibilities of the Bureau had grown more to worrying about sabotage, subversion, and espionage then working on issues in the past. In the eyes of the FBI the world had changed drastically and with that the role of the FBI had evolved to adjust to the needs of society. As the war ended the fear of spies and communism continued as Russia still pushed on its communistic ways but the FBI did not abdicate its power in controlling these threats but moved along with helping create and move forward in a time of economic control for the US.
As the Rise of cyber crimes grew so did the FBI’s influence on the growing technology.

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