Essay About Urban Legends

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In Paul A. Kirschner and Jeroen J. G. van Merrienboer’s article, “Do learners Really Know Best? Urban Legends in Education”, discussion of three urban legends in education; digital natives, specific learning styles, and self-educators are analyzed in order to determine a learner’s ability to learn new information through these popular styles and persuade readers that these popular educational styles are urban legends. The three urban legends discussed are digital natives, specific learning styles, and self-educators. These three legends have embraced the education system, have been persuasive, and have been difficult to eliminate even though they have no scientific evidence backing their theories.
The first legend discussed in the article …show more content…

This urban legend sounds like a great idea but the problems with this idea are that not every individual understands what type of learning style they use, that the learning style is best for their education, and that most people don’t fit just one style of learning. Although there have been tests for people to discover their learning style those tests cluster learners in groups and do not account for students who have multiple learning styles. In the tests you would be placed in the area you scored highest even if there were multiple areas of learning styles present. The tests are not very reliable to group students in so they are inefficient to place learners in these categories of learning styles. Another problem with this educational strategy is knowing “how to tailor instruction to particular learning styles,” (174). It is difficult to tailor to each learners style and usually teaching must be done in a way to teach the majority because it is “more fruitful to focus on the fundamental things that learners have in common than on the myriad of styles on which they are different from each other,” (175). The issue with this hypothesis is that what learners say they prefer good for them is not always the best. As an example, the article compares learners choosing their learning style compared to choosing …show more content…

I want my students to have the full benefits of me as a teacher and I believe learning about different educational theories will help me be a better teacher. In particular from this article I will take away that teachers are needed to help rear students to the right information and help them focus on what information is reliable. I also will take in consideration my own techniques as a student. I am guilty of multitasking during assignments and even “googlification”. I think the internet has benefited my generation in many ways but has also done a disservice on real research. I hope as a future teacher to really teach my students to research and find valid, reliable, and understanding information of the internet. A teacher in this new generation must adapt to the technology available to students and realize they will be using these resources. I hope to find a balance in my classroom between technology, self-educating, and learning

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