Are These Stories True Essay

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The articles "Are These Stories True? (Nope)", by Adee Braun and Kristin Lewis, and "The Story that Got Away", retold by Debby Waldman, are both about fake news. One thing about fake news, is sometimes how believable article are. For instance, some stories hold many things that regular articles have and are written a lot like real stories. This is stated in the first article, it writes that fake stories can "Come with photos and believable quotes" (Braun and Lewis, 10). If the article sounds real and it holds many similar text features, most people would not think about if it is a joke. Also, the bold letters at the top of a news story or a website that looks and appears real can be tricky to identify. For example, Later in the beginning article, it focuses that fake news …show more content…

(Nope)", by Adee Braun and Kristin Lewis, and "The Story that Got Away", retold by Debby Waldman, both explain fake news and risks that come from them. For example, Fake news can spread and not be taken back. The second article retold by Debby Waldmen, uses the analogy of scattering feathers on a windy day, and trying to retrieve all of them. This is a near impossible task that is very similar to spreading fake news. Once fake news is spread out into the internet it can be shared and posted many places, and read by anyone. Also, Fake news can be written about real people that don't have control over what is said about them. The article "Are These Stories True? (Nope)," talks about a story made up about "Hillary Clinton selling weapons to terrorists" (Braun and Lewis, 10). At the time, she was a main Presidential candidate, and if multiple people read and/or shared that article, her support could go down. This is an example of a fake article that could hurt a person who had no control over the story. Fake news can be very dangerous because it can be spread quickly and can portray bad things about random people who did not support or create the fake

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