Essay About Discrimination

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Do not judge a book by its cover or in this case a person by their appearance. Many people are being discriminated each year around the world. Discrimination has going long throughout history. Discrimination basically is the favoritism of different types of people or objects and also being treated differently. It happens to many people from public, home, and almost anywhere a person can go. Some people have to work harder than others because of their colors. Or the fact that the job is treating one person different than others employees; simply because that person is female or male. Sadly to say but, people do be criticized by others by the way they look. There are three types of discrimination that is unfair to judge a person by their race, …show more content…

My hair is real, we’re not all mexicans, and I’m not a white trash; these are some responses from people who speak their thought of stereotypes. Stereotypes makes people feel stranger or feel different to other by their looks. It can interfere people’s job or applying for a job. To illustrate, in ny daily news, Jamilah Dacosta a twenty-five year old woman who was trying to find a job to apply. She found a bakery place and had an interview with the owner. The owner reject in her and said in her own words “I can’t hire you because you’re black,”. -in ny daily news by Nathan Place and Erin Durkin. Stereotypes can make a mental effort to others of quick judgment and fast decisions when meeting a new person. People can be treated different than other due to their appearances. And how people can be treated differently in many workplace by discrimination. Employees can be treated well like increase salary or better work position by favoritism. In which can increase problems with employees of work competition and more. Race discrimination is cruel and unfair to all. If an white person and an african american person were to both apply at the same job; one of them would receive a call back and the other rejected. If race discrimination did not exist, the rate of white, african american, and other races would be almost the level. Discrimination should be place on a side and let's focus on what is more

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