Stereotypes Limitations

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Limits of Stereotypes
Have you ever wondered what your race says about you? Well, society has different ideas about every person, usually based on their race. Unfortunately, these ideas are just based on what people see. It all changes when people begin to look past appearances. As the saying goes, “look for what it is inside not on the outside”. When people focus on outward appearances they do not appreciate what is on the inside. Judgments are ideas that stop people for looking for something more important than what they know based on appearance. It becomes worse when these little unknown details never come out and the ideas based only on appearance become stereotypes. Stereotyping can be an issue within schools. For example, teachers tend …show more content…

These judgments are made with minimal or unknown information. In school, most of the stereotypes are based on race. In an interview that I conducted, a 55-year-old white male stated "our race defines how we perform in school". A teacher’s ignorance can be a significant impact on students’ education. Some teachers do not understand the fact that every student is different and they can improve as much as they want. Race does not determine a students learning ability. Teachers set limitations to what they believe is a students learning capacity based on their racial judgments, this causes students to believe they cannot exceed the teachers set limitations based on their …show more content…

These kinds of people have created them without the concern about the harm they cause to the ones that those stereotypes are directed to. In society ignorant people judge students based on the education they have or their grades or even the school they go to. In another interview that I conducted, a 17 years old Mexican woman stated "people in society judge students by looking at their education". She said, they are influenced for what they see to determine how intelligent or serious that student is on education. When a person judges a student based on their grades we can say that that person is ignorant. We sometimes do not know what the student is going through. Grades do not determine the student intelligence and capacity. These kinds of stereotypes that come from ignorant people sometimes push students to be how society wants them to be. Stereotypes can create pressure in students leading them to quit their education. To prevent stereotypes, teachers should influence students to push themselves as far as students want to go. Teachers can inspire students to push themselves and prove to others and themselves that their grades do not determine their potential or intelligence. When teachers help students to improve their potential they can definitely inspire them to be better at school and outside of it. They get inspired to be better people but also as an individual that does not get influenced

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