Equifax Executive Summary

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The marketplace can be unpredictable, as shown in the 2008 financial crisis. Since 2008 keeping track of one’s own financial means has become increasingly important. Equifax’s goal is to meet the needs of individuals and businesses by providing them with applicable data thereby allowing them to make well informed business decisions. The more organizations and individuals are informed and updated the less of a chance for financial disruptions. In large businesses Equifax provides insight into the consumer’s world, which allows organizations to make conclusions based on factual evidence and analysis of data. This and the expansion of Equifax’s portfolio where the Equifax Chairman and former CEO states "Over the past decade, we have taken a deliberate …show more content…

Equifax doesn’t just provide credit scores. Their company is built on the premise of allowing people knowledge of their own financial situation, a concept that is needed in modern times.New emergents in the industry are offering fewer products/ services. For example, the company “Credit Karma” is strictly focused on credit scores. Since new emergents aren’t providing the quantity of products and services as Equifax is their customer’s value perception of the organization is considerably less desirable. The convenience of having both business and personal accounts under one provider that’s able to do it all is an additional benefit customers will receive. Equifax not only believes in making philanthropic donations but also in Corporate Social Responsibility. They encourage their employees to share their “time, money and expertise to causes close to their heart”. Some other examples include; “microlending for small businesses and providing young students with financial education tools”. These various Corporate Social Responsibility avenues demonstrate Equifax’s commitment to their mission statement “Powering the World with Knowledge”. Providing a reasonably priced product/ service and making it cost effective for the consumer is essential to Equifax’s mandate. Remaining competitively priced has allowed the customer to remain loyal to the brand. This in turn offers the customer peace of mind because they are continuing to receive necessary facts and data to substantiate business

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