Entrepreneurship, Innovation And Entrepreneurship In A Cosmopolitan Society

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Literature surrounding the topic of entrepreneurship, innovation and cosmopolitanism, indeed has been widely discussed, often have the subtopics been referred as a separate entity to a common subtopic. Whilst this ignores the opportunity for each of the subheadings to be associated, the body of literature clearly supports the existence of entrepreneurship, innovation and cosmopolitanism yet rarely does literature address the association between innovation and entrepreneurship in a cosmopolitan society under a common typology. Rather, entrepreneurship, innovation and cosmopolitanism are treated as separate entities to the same subtopic. This paradigm of correlating the indifferences depends on what or how the terms are associated. In order to narrow the widely apprehendable literature on the common terms, the central theme is one whereby all the headings are grouped and reviewed in terms of the associating factors between innovation and entrepreneurship in a cosmopolitan society. A systematic interpretation of the literature is essential to interpret the board and widely discussed literature at hand.. It is well understood that entrepreneurship and innovation amongst societies is are not new phenomenon’s, however in the contemporary cosmopolitan emergence of the modern world, how all three terms can be perceived requires a closer examination of how the terms can be interpreted and accompanied. Finally, all three terms can be measured in both micro and macro dynamics depending on how the literature is examined, in attempt to keep the topic balanced this paper reviews both the macro (society) and micro (businesses) innovation and entrepreneurship in cosmopolitanism.

First and foremost, it is worth mentioning that in the academic so...

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...literature unbiased of a one sided view, this paper incorporates both opinions whist observing the academics from both camps. This is achieved through allowing the scope of the literature through the basis of micro and macro aspects, or stated differently, examples through society and businesses.
In many ways cosmopolitanism thrives upon the believe of shared values, acceptance, recognition and ethos grounded in the foundation of a cosmopolite society, such characteristics spawn new and innovative ideas which entrepreneurs dwells with anticipation, at least such is the mantra for many academics. Yet as this paper has also dawned upon the literature which amplifies that not all is optimistic, many authors warn against the rapid collection of cosmopolitanism, many external factors interplay with the affairs of innovation and inevitably entrepreneurship.

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