Entrepreneurship Essay

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Question 1
According to Peter Drucker, ‘most of what you hear about entrepreneurship is all wrong. It’s not magic; it’s not mysterious; and it has nothing to do with genes. It’s a discipline and like any discipline it can be learnt’. This saying above by Peter Drucker refutes the notion that people are born with entrepreneurial skills and a creative mind. Just like the time long question, “are leaders born or made?” varying statements contradict that the tendency to engage in entrepreneurial activity lies in one’s genetic make-up (Shane 2003).
Some argue that human genome has not evolved so much but entrepreneurship has been a vocational option in more than three thousand years (Zhang et al. 2009). Entrepreneurship as an occupational choice, through learning one can develop innate tendencies in order to pursue entrepreneurship. It is clear that people can learn how to take positive action from constructive criticisms and strive on despite negative feedbacks or setbacks.
Studies show that both educational and structural support factors influence the entrepreneurial intention of students however that alone does not guarantee success. College degrees in business majors and training programs possibly may not transcend genes and its history component and it is possible that education in itself presents to a degree to which the discipline of entrepreneurship is learnt. One must therefore have an “entrepreneurship personality” (Drucker 1985).
Scholarly research by Nicolaou and Shane (2009) suggest that genetic factors have an influence on a person’s likelihood to pursue an entrepreneurial career like starting up a business, the contribution of these factors are not too minimal in comparison to the skills, practices and techniques taug...

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...he company to generate greater revenue.
Yet, dealing with privacy and security concerns puts a stain on Facebook. While it is in the best interest of the company to keep users information private, certain practices raises questions. According to the author of the case study, the issue of user privacy deals is on both a personal or corporate levels. It is evident that a breach on private data raises widespread concern among users.
Facebook seems to have problems per keeping confidential information within the confines of the company. Profile owners tend to demand answers when this happens.
In conclusion, the company acknowledges that there are operational risks involved in a changing online social network environment. However, by a strategic position to be effective in doing business, Facebook pursues its mission of to share and to make the world open and connected.

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