Engaged-Learning Model

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As Utah Valley University transfer students, we know first-hand what a UVU education focused on engaged-learning means. Under the direction of President Matthew Holland, the university recently restructured its core values, which represent the institution's interpretation of its mission. These principles now include 1) student success, 2) serious,
3) inclusion and 4) engaged-learning. As seen on billboard’s across the state, UVU has really been pushing to be known as the “engaged learning university.” Until we had the chance to personally experience what that statement means, we didn’t fully appreciate the uniqueness of the model.

What started as a trade-technical institute aimed at providing Utahns with vocational education has now evolved into a world-class university known for providing quality higher-education to more students than any other institution in the state. As UVU has grown, the dedication to providing their students with a hands-on learning experience has not changed. UVU wants their students to graduate with more than just an education gained through textbooks and learning in a classroom setting. This mission is seen through the teaching models designed by professors and hands-on learning …show more content…

With only a few hours to prepare we worked with university communication professionals to create an outline designed to drive engagement. We had to spend a few minutes calming our nerves because once you are live - the pause button isn’t an option. Neither of us had hosted a live video feed before and were thrilled after the event when we could see the application of what our professors had taught us. The resulting analytics showed over 80k views! Now here we are giving our perspective on a project of this magnitude - where else can one gain real-world experience like

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