Ender's Game Book Vs Movie

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Compare/Contrast Book and Movie The game which killed a whole species in an interstellar war. Ender’s game, the novel and movie that made old school books seem like it was published yesterday. The main concept is about a boy named Ender in an advanced world who feel threatened by an alien race. The military sends the boy to school in space so that he will destroy the world threat. The boy does, and vows to repopulate the aliens. The book Ender's game is better than the movie Ender’s game due to more detail within the story allowing a better connection with the characters. Crucial elements in Ender’s game are the Bugger threats which appear in both the book and movie. We see the Bugger threat as the main incentive for a better military. Another One difference is there are no deaths in Ender’s personal fist fights in the movie unlike the book where he did unintentionally kill 2 guys. Ender faced off Stilson, a bully who was jealous as Ender, He in the movie went to a hospital, In the book he dies of his injuries. Ender also faces off Bonzo, a commander who was also jealous of Ender (I wish people were to get jealous of me, all i get is their pity.) and he had a career ending blow to the head, In the book he was kicked somewhere which pretty much ended his life. This difference make people hate the book or the movie. Another interesting difference is Bernard’s role. In the Book we see that Bernard is another bully and he want’s revenge on Ender for making him look like a fool..and breaking his arm, he tries to help Bonzo kill Ender but he and his team was shut away by Bonzo because of his honer. In the movie his arm was never broken, and he never really vowed revenge, he just kinda hated him and soon they became friends, Bernard even managed to become one of Ender’s commanders in the final battle with the Buggers. This makes the movie seem like there are no actual threats to Ender and he is pretty safe. Another difference we should point out is how long it took ender to get respect. In the book it took Ender a 4 year stuggle to gain leadership skills and eventually respect. In the movie it took Ender The book Ender's game is better than the movie Ender’s game due to more detail within the story allowing a better connection with the characters. The book had more detail, more emotion and feeling then the movie. The book went in the eyes of Ender himself where as the movie went in the eyes of the camera. The book showed us what Ender thought, what he felt, the Movie showed us what the camera saw. People like a deeper connection, it makes them feel good and attracts them to what they are reading. Ender’s game is a very interesting book, it shows us that there is always someone in power, it shows us that we can’t always have peace and quiet as we want, we must fight for our freedom under these conditions, and what is done is done and we must move

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