Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Research Paper

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Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is a movie based on the book by Mildred D. Taylor. It was released on June 2,1978 and has a runtime of an hour and 35 minutes. The target audience of this movie is mainly children and families, especially for those who have strong feelings about racism and injustice. In the movie, Cassie is the narrator and wants everyone to be treated fairly, even though she doesn’t yet understand the society that she lives in. Her brother, Stacey is gullible, but has a good heart and wants to do the right thing. The movie centers around the Logans, who are a determined family fighting for their rights. I believe the book is better than the movie because it describes all the events in much more detail than those pictured in the movie. Some actors in this movie do a good job of portraying their character. However, a few take away from the overall experience, such as Tony Ross and Claudia McNeil. Tony Ross, who is an actor known for Pancho Villa, plays Stacey Logan. Claudia McNeil was an actress known for her role in Raisen in the Sun, and she portrays Big Ma. Both of these …show more content…

For example, Mama goes to the bank in the movie and is given a hard time about paying her mortgage, but this did not happen in the book. Another major difference is that the school bus scene, where the Logan kids played a trick on the white kids, was not shown in the movie, even though it was an important part of the story. There are some character changes as well. Lillian Jean, Jeremy, R.W, and Melvin are Simms’ in the book, but in the movie they are Kaleb Wallace’s children. However, the main plot difference is how the movie starts in the middle, summarizing everything from the first part of the book very briefly. Additionally, many scenes are switched around and placed out of order. Altogether, the plot and character changes contribute to my unfavorable impression of the

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