Emile Durkheim's Theory Of Suicide Case Study

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Suicide is possibly the most personal action an individual can take upon oneself and yet it has a profound social impact. A large Hungarian population views an act of violence that one commits toward oneself as an act of bravery for freeing themselves and others around them of their misery. It’s also consider to be the least understood crime even though sociologist and psychologist are expected to know the answers to questions such as why people kill themselves but often these questions go unanswered. Emile Durkheim was instrumental in bringing a new understanding of suicide, “when in a sociological study he conceived his theory of suicide, and it 's relationship with society. Perhaps put more accurately, his theory was about society, and …show more content…

This links to Durkheim’s theory of anomic suicide when and individual feels they don’t belong to a society, lack of interaction or due to a major social change or social disruption that is overwhelming to handle that can lead to taking one’s own life. Evette shares the story of his step mother committing suicide out of depression and sadness but everyone in the Peta Hann tribe had something sad, depressive happening in their life but taking their life was not a solution they sought after and it might be because of their traditions, values and the connection they shared with everyone in the community, therefore issues were resolved rather than left to be solved by individuals that sometimes lead to suicide in developed countries because of the isolation or loneliness many

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