David Maimon And Durkheim's Causes Of Sucide And Morality

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I was coming home from work, stepping inside I noticed everything was silent. I noticed my family downstairs solemly waiting for me. A strange feeling overcame, while my Dad told me to sit down. He gave each of us a stern look and somberly announced that my brother tried to get his rifle and commit sucide. Overcome by the news, I found myself speechless this similar situation has happened before. My brother is suffering from schizophrenia and has attempted many times to commit sucide. This mental illnesss is genetic in my family, it has not been easy to deal with. I chose this topic for reasons why one will commit sucide in his or her youth. I find if one has trouble with family, living in a poor neighborhood or inherits a genetic mental illness it can influence youth sucidality. …show more content…

Kuhl wrote about how Emile Durkheims idea’s about suicide is connected with social intergation. The authors argue that individual factors may play in for youth sucide as well as the social intergation. …show more content…

Many teens are dealing with “mental and physical health problems” (Grisham, 2277). These teens do not have access to proper medications. A sucide attempt can “signal high levels of hopelessness”(2277). Adolescents often shield themselves away from family and friends. Individuals who attempt suicide may indicate psychological factors. According to David Maimon he acknowledges that Emile Durkheim soley focuses on theory and research on micro level social forces, social interrogation and moral regulation. He rejects the studies done based on individual

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