Egyptian Burial Customs Essay

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In Egypt, the Egyptians had a set of burial customs that they believed it is a new life after death. Egyptians believed that the afterlife was very similar to the real life. Therefore, they believed that people would need the same things in real life such as food, drink, clothes, jewelry, and other things. Also, Egyptians believed that people have the soul. Most of poor Egyptians were probably buried in the desert. The poor people would not have much things to bury with them, so they just wrap the body and their clothes . For the wealthy ancient Egyptians, the people were often buried in tombs that called mastabas. The mastabas was the earliest and simplest tomb structure. It was built of mud-brick, and it has the chamber under the tomb. It contained the person's mummified body which is take the body to washed with natron for drying , and it contained food, jewelery and special objects. These tombs were never built for public viewing. Later then, the Egyptians built pyramids to contain the tombs. …show more content…

Each element has own mission for tombs. Also, the Egyptians liked to paint images on the wall where they have tombs. They usually painted the images of daily life such as dancing, harvesting, or things that they loved. These scenes represented the hoped for after-life, and deeper meanings of magical protection, and rebirth. The purpose of a tomb was to protect the dead and to help them rebirth. The most famous tombs in the world is the Pyramids of Egypt. There are three kinds of tombs, they are the royal tombs, the tombs of the nobleman, and the tombs of workers. These kinds of tombs had change form the Old kingdom to the New

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