Effects of Flouride

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Effects of Flouride

Fifty-five years ago they told us that in order to have healthy teeth, we needed to have one part fluoride in each million parts of water. That's the same as one milligram of fluoride per liter -- about one-quarter milligram per 8-ounce cup.

There is ample evidence that fluoride is harmful to health: that is why it has been banned or discontinued in 21 European countries, Japan and Hawaii. A major report ordered by Congress in January 1990 from the U.S. government's National Toxicological Program links fluoride with bone and mouth cancer, a rare form of liver cancer, and thyroid cancer. In his book Fluoride: The Aging Factor, Dr. Yiamouyiannis refers to a 1977 study that found 10,000 to 20,000 excess deaths were observed each year in fluoridated areas in the U.S.

In Canada, Dr. Richard Foulkes, MD, former special advisor to the B.C. Minister of Health and now an internationally recognized authority on fluoride, recommended legislation in 1973 to make fluoridated water mandatory. Today, Dr. Foulkes no longer believes fluoridation is safe and effective. H...

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