Lar Gottlieb How To Land Your Kids In Therapy Analysis

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Parents have a tough role raising our world’s next generation. Lori Gottlieb is a psychologist who studied the impact parenting has on children. In her article “How to Land Your Kids in Therapy” Lori explains that when she was in school, she was taught that the worst kind of parenting was when parents neglected their children. Lori then goes on to mention that she has found it increasingly more common to find young adults seeking therapy who had “perfect” parents, but they find themselves unhappy. Parents have adopted a new contemporary style of raising their children; preventing them from growing up with normal human emotions and feelings, which is very destructive to their growth in to adults. These children are just not ready to deal with the real world. …show more content…

Parents do not want to disappoint their children, so instead of saying “no” they say “of course honey”. These children grow up unaware of the concept that they can and will be denied something in their future. When the time comes they don’t know how to take it because they lived their whole life getting everything they wanted. Children also grow up without the understanding of how to properly process pain and discomfort. Gottlieb interviewed a teacher and she said that if a child fell on the playground, adults had to rush over to aid the child before he or she had enough time to process what happened. The teacher did not point this out because she thought that parents should ignore their children, instead they should let their children process what happened and how to deal with it independently. When parents make a huge scene, their children think something serious has happened and panic. Gottlieb believes parents should give their children room to deal with a situation without intervening until it is

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