Effects Of Anxiety On Athletes

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Effects of Anxiety on Athletes
This section of the paper is going to go into detail (by using previous studies) on how exactly anxiety effects the athletes. In a study involving a collegiate softball tournament, players were put into one of two conditions: high situation criticality or low. The test results showed that the athletes in the high criticality condition had significantly higher levels of cognitive-anxiety. Why were some of the athletes more worried? Clearly the cognitive interpretation an individual gives to a situation exerts an effect. Also, how the athlete takes to the arousal can determine if the athlete will be able to cope with the situation well or not. It says “Researchers have found that athletes are successful interpret arousal to be facilitative.” In a study with an elite group of swimmers found that intensity levels were much higher in the athletes that took their anxiety as deliberative that those who …show more content…

This has been found in a number of other sports including gymnasts and basketball players. Not only does the situation of the matter count on how much anxiety is involved, but also the years of experience of the athlete. The higher number of years that an athlete has been in the sport, the lower cognitive-anxiety is involved. This was reported after a test was done on a group of tennis players that varied with years of experience, and also tested with an elite group of swimmers. The author feels that the reasoning is that due to previous experience the athletes learn how to cope with arousal. The conclusion was supported by research that found cognitive anxiety was best predicted by an evaluation of previous performances, individual’s perception of

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