Effective Communication: Principles And Techniques Of Communication In Relationships

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Principles and Techniques of Effective Communication One of the most important skills for couples to have in a relationship is the ability to communicate in an effective manner. Communication is necessary in order to disclose with a partner and build intimacy. It is also necessary in order to resolve conflict that occurs in the course of the relationship. David Knox and Caroline Schacht, authors of the textbook Choices in Relationships, identify fifteen strategies that are important to the development of effective communication in relationship. These communication principles can be modified and applied to many types of interpersonal relationships, but all fifteen are vital for communication in a healthy relationship with a romantic or life …show more content…

Sharing the power in a relationship helps couples to avoid power imbalances and conflicts over power will lessen overall negative conflict in the relationship. To keep communication going, "the partners should focus on the fat that sharing information is essential and reinforce each other for keeping the process alive" (102). To do this, for example, don 't become defensive when a partner reveals their feelings; if you punish disclosure by becoming angry, the partner is less likely to disclose in the future. I often still experience this in my marriage. When I tell my husband my feelings and he responds by getting angry or defensive, I feel hurt and upset and do not want to open myself up to that again. This can cause a pattern of sharing, hurting, and then a period of time with little communication, until one party opens up communication again. However, if you follow the other strategies, and go back to the first principle of effective communication above all-if you make it a priority- it will be easy to keep open lines of communication in a

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