Ebola Virus Research Paper

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We live in a time rapidly changing of the climate and the environment. Some viruses had become the most dangerous nonliving organisms in the world. They are small but their impacts are very deadfall, since most of virus diseases have no cure. However, one type of these dangerous diseases are the emerging viruses, which come by surprise, kill as much people as it can before it goes back to its hibernation. Emerging viral viruses are viruses that contain RNA as their genetic materials, therefore they can quickly adapt to any conditions they live in and that what makes them very dangerous. In addition, RNA viruses in general are dangerous, and the reason behind that is because of their genetic makeup. RNA as known are a single stranded nucleic acid, and it stands for ribonucleic acid, which is a nucleic acid present in all living cells. It's principal's role is …show more content…

During day 10, the person would suffer from vomiting blood, passive behavior, and high fever. During day 11, the person would have bruises, brain damage, external bleeding from the nose, eyes, mouth and anus. During day 12 (the final day), the person would pass out, have seizures, and internal bleeding, and most likely, death. In the other hand, if you do take the vaccine and it is most likely to work, the Africans would not have a major risk of getting Ebola. It would change how the world response to such emerging infectious disease threats, and it will destroy any Ebola virus cells that enters the body. Before it does any harm. According to the article “Fewer Ebola cases so far, this year, but the virus is still a threat”, it states, “The study means that it's ‘less likely than we thought that vaccines and treatment options would fail.’ He said” This shows that it is less likely for the vaccine to not work and the advantages empower the

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