Ron Fouchier's The Deadliest Virus

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Nowadays, technology makes easier for scientists to discover new viruses and find cures for them. One these viruses, “bird flu” known as H5N1 recreated by the Dutch scientist Ron Fouchier. Even though he had no ill intention to create such strain, it has a potential to wipe most humanity off from the face of the world as well as saving the humanity from much worse viruses. The discovery of this virus caused a big controversy in the scientific world. Some scientists think that publication of this virus indeed benefits society while some say that not publishing this might prevent society from horrible incidents. Discovery of this virus divided scientist in two groups; the ones in favor of publication the virus and the ones are against the publication. According to Fouchier in the article “The Deadliest Virus” by Micheal Green, he says that if more people have access to it, it The ones who would like to publish this virus and the ones who do not both reasonable reasons for their thoughts. Anthony S.Fauci, mentioned in The Deadliest Virus, says that publishing this can help scientists to determine if the existing vaccines or drugs will be enough to cure this virus. Publication of this can help us to develop better cures for worse viruses. In addition, people will know how deadly it is and if they get the virus, they will know what it is. On the other hand, Michael Specter gave an example of Clinton’s speech about bioterrorism. Hilarity Clinton says, “Evidence in Afghanistan...Al Queda in the Arabian Peninsula made a call to arms for – and I quote – ‘brothers with degrees in microbiology or chemistry to develop a weapon of mass destruction”. Clinton’s speech brings up the concerns of some scientists about the publication of the virus. Her speech shows that if the virus is open to the public, other countries will find a way to get this virus and might develop it as weapon for

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