Douglas W. Warner's Midlife Crisis

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1. After reading THE BASIS FOR ETHICAL CONDUCT—AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ETHICAL CONDUCT PARADIGM by Douglas W. Warner, explain the motivations for a person to have a “mid-life crisis” using paradigm terms. A midlife crisis is when a person loses self-confidence and their identity (Warner, 2002, p. 1). They feel lost or down and this can happen anywhere from ages 30-50. Both men and women can experience this crisis. It normally happens when the person realizes that more than half of their life is over and they start to think about what they wish they could change. A variety of events can help to trigger a midlife crisis. Some of the common events are losing a parent, a child getting married, retirement, debt, any significant loss, …show more content…

She went out and randomly bough a brand new BMW. Two years later she ended up getting rid of that car but her excuse for purchasing it was that she was going through a midlife crisis. Folkways is ones values, beliefs, and norms (Warner, 2002, p. 5). They are typically learned or inherited from other members of the family. An example of a Folkway in my family is thyroid issues. All of the women on my mom’s side of the family have thyroid issues. When I turned twenty four I also inherited thyroid issues. Customs and traditions are also ones values and beliefs (Warner, 2002, p. 5). Values and beliefs tend to stay with someone as they grow older they normally do not change. Social Norms are the third source from which someone’s values and beliefs are drawn from (Warner, 2002, p. 6). These are behavioral expectations that society has for individuals (Warner, 2002, p. 6). Social norms influence things like how a person smells, what they read, etc. Different cultures have different social norms. When I went to Europe last summer I noticed that most of the Europeans do not care how they smell and so not shower as often as Americans do. They also will wear the same cloths a few days in a row and not think anything of it. It was very interesting to me to see such a huge difference in

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