Douglas Everet's Analysis

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“There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.” –Douglas Everet There have been times when I have felt as though the weight of the world was on my shoulder. Then there have been times when I have felt carefree. However, the first time I had ever felt responsible for someone other than myself, gave me a greater sense of importance. I began to see my retracted dreams and goals as ones possibly reachable. When I began to bear children, I wasn't sure if I would be the same. Although, it is true, thoughts of “What if’s” began to travel through my mind. I began to mature in a speed I assumed I was ready for, only to find myself in a few unimaginable circumstances. …show more content…

Though it seemed like the harder I tried the harder I fell into unwanted pits of sadness. I eventually realized that I would have to do those things at a slower pace due to the fact that I had someone depending on me. The blessing of children comes with a package of responsibility; once you’ve opened it you have to now assemble the pieces with the most important piece first. Many people say “The older you get, the wiser you get"; I find that to be true for me. Every year on my birthday I analyze my life that year; and then I look over the course of my life thus far. Each time I find something I have accomplished and something that I wish I would’ve done. I look at what I could've done differently and what I couldn't change. My friends and family are always coming to me for advice and guidance yet I wasn't utilizing some of my own messages. That is, until recently. I looked around and saw that my age was way past the limit for me to be without a degree; I had to make a change. When I began to home school my daughter I noticed that what I was doing for her I wanted to do for myself. I was tough on her because I didn't want her to end up like

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