Dog Training Techniques

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1.) Versatility-- A good dog trainer will use techniques and training styles which are compatible with your dog's temperament. Every dog is different, and some dogs respond better to certain approaches. What works for a Rottweiler won't necessarily work for a Poodle.

2.) Experience-- I know people who have been driving an automobile for 30 years and still can't parallel park! And dog training is the same way! Don't measure a dog trainer's skill by his number of years in the profession. Instead, judge a trainer by what he has done in the 'Dog World,' rather than how long he has been doing it.

3.) Cost-- When you pay for training, make sure you are paying for results... not for a specified number of hours or sessions. Good dog trainers know …show more content…

No. The idea of doing this is largely a scam predicated on kenneling the dog so that the dog training company can charge you even more money. For example, as a skilled dog trainer, I can train your dog, and get him responding in a very impressive manner, in about two days. But when I give him back to you, he's going to say, "I've never had to do anything you say before! Why should I start now?" It's just like driving. I can build you a fantastic sports car, but if you don't learn how to drive it, it won't get you from point A to point B. You must find a dog trainer who will teach YOU how to train YOUR DOG!

8.) Should You Have A Dog Trainer Come To Your Home? No. It's going to work much better if you learn to train your dog in a neutral territory.

9.) Why You Should Avoid the big, chain pet store dog training programs: Because in most cases, the dog trainers you'll encounter have only 2 to 3 months experience, and have been recruited through a newspaper ad. Dog training is both an art and a science. There is no way that you can become a professional dog trainer without apprenticing with several experienced dog trainers, with varied backgrounds, over an acceptable period of time. Stay away from the large pet store dog training

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